
Friday, August 12, 2011

The Job Of Unions Is To Organize Workers To Fight For Their Rights.

The job of unions is not to support democrats, but to force the democrats to support the working people of this country.

The job of unions is not to demand coffee breaks for workers in third world countries who are now doing American jobs -- it is to get those jobs back here.

The job of unions is not to make friends with Wall Street, but to tear it down, dismantle the system, and throw its leaders into prison.

The job of unions is not to get bigger pensions for their insiders, but to get jobs for the unemployed.

The job of unions is to get their members out in the street, to shut the whole country down if needed, to protect the jobs of American working people. It requires a commitment to action, which must be as radical as the economic conditions we face.

The job of unions is to organize working people to fight for their own rights, not to organize phone banks to get some millionaire elected.

The job of unions is not to have their inner circle spend two years out of every four in the national binge-drinking excuse they call "elections."

The job of unions is not to learn how to work with the fascists on the right-wing. The job of unions is to destroy the fascists on the right-wing and take away their power and their money.

The job of unions is not to debate the merits of the wars, but to demand an end to them. It is only the children of the working people who fight the wars, while the children of Wall Street learn to be just like their parents -- thieves, liars, murderers.

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